Move Your Cursor Faster in Terminal
It could be quite annoying to change argument values when we have many arguments and long argument values, for example:
bazel-bin/tensorflow/lite/tools/evaluation/tasks/imagenet_image_classification/run_eval \ --model_file=/home/ubuntu/models/efficientnet_b0_quant.tflite \--ground_truth_images_path=/home/ubuntu/data/ilsvrc12_val/ \ --ground_truth_labels=/home/ubuntu/data/ground_truth_labels.txt \ --model_output_labels=/home/ubuntu/data/labels_mobilenet_quant_v1_224.txt \ --output_file_path=/home/ubuntu/models/accuracy_output_lite.txt \ --num_images=100 \ --num_threads=8
We can then use some shortcuts to move the cursor faster.
1.Move to the begining:
Ctrl + A
2. Move to the end:
Ctrl + E
3. Move forward a word:
If you are using MacOS, you need to enable Use option as meta key:
Open Terminal > Preferences > Settings > Keyboard, and enable Use option as meta key.
key, by convention, is used for operations on word.
Then you can move forward a word by:
Alt + F
or on MacOS:
Option + F
4. Move backward a word:
Alt / Option + B